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John: Scoliosis, joint inflammation, nausea and stomach pain, bleeding ulcers, extreme fatigue, ADHD, insomnia, chronic depression, social anxiety

John F.


Health and wellness screening results 10/24/2016

Height: 74 inches (6 foot 2 inches)

Starting weight:  151 Pounds

BMI: 19.39

Systolic: 132

Diastolic: 79

Cholesterol ratio: 1

Cholesterol: 155

LDL (low-density lipoprotein): 63

HDL (High-density lipoprotein): 81

Triglycerides: 53

Glucose: 99

(Over all healthy)

Existing issues:


  1. Curved spine/ rotated hips
    1. Causes a significant amount of pain daily ranging from mild pain throughout the day on average days to extreme pain on some days. The pain originates mainly from the two sites of major curvature but affects different regions of the body at times. Can be described as an aching pain at most times but sometimes also is a sharp shooting pain from the point of the curvature down my arms and legs.
  2. Joint inflammation
    1. My joints ache in the morning and with pressure from daily activity or strain from exercise. I would consider this a minor pain currently.
  3. Stomach issues
    1. Severe nausea and stomach pains upon awaking in the morning. Trouble forcing down food because of this.
    2. Nausea throughout the day especially when presented with food. Usually very light unless I have recently ingested an irritant such as alcohol or lactose.
    3. Ulcers- I had bleeding ulcers the last scope that I had done, but since then have cut out alcohol for the most part and lactose completely and I think that they have healed or almost healed.
  4. General Fatigue
    1. I have had bountiful energy my entire life but in the last couple years I have felt extremely tired both physically and mentally. Even if I cannot sleep I find myself wanting to just lay down and rest a lot and it is hard to get back up and get going. Almost even feels like the left over sleep paralysis that you experience when you wake up in the morning.
  5. If I do not eat regularly (regular meals plus snacks in between) I start to feel dizzy, weak, my extremities start to tingle or go numb. My guess would be because I am anemic or maybe I have low blood sugar? (never have had it happened at a Dr to where they could measure my vitals and tell me a guess at what it is)


  1. ADHD-
    1. Growing up I was extremely hyperactive. I still have trouble sitting still and focusing for long periods of time on tasks. I have about a 20-30 second window in a conversation to say what I am going to say or else I lose what I am trying to say. Menial tasks that took time but not really a lot of effort such as cleaning or homework was extremely hard for me because of getting distracted so easily.
  2. Insomnia-
    1. I have trouble sleeping at night and staying asleep once I do fall asleep. Typically I lay down at around 10 or 11 PM and turn out all the lights, but do not fall asleep till closer to 2 or 3 AM and then wake back up at 5 AM. I do this consistently for about a week or two and then will crash and sleep 8-12 hours or more.
    2. If I do fall asleep at a decent hour I wake up multiple times and it takes a couple hours to go back to sleep.
  3. Chronic Depression-
    1. Was diagnosed when I was younger with severe depression. Though I act happy to everyone I am very depressed/sad almost all the time. There is no real logical reason for it, but the feeling is still there.
    2. Some days are worse than others, but on the bad days I generally have trouble getting motivated to do anything at all. I force myself through the motions, but if I didn’t I would likely just sit and do nothing at all for long periods of time.
  4. Social anxiety
    1. I have a large amount of anxiety when it comes to being around other people in general. I have been like this since I was young but it has gotten worse as I have gotten older to a point where I rarely go out and communicate with others socially. I have to talk myself into going out when I do and then don’t have a good time because I am nervous or having a panic attack most of the time I am out. That or I just feel extremely disconnected from those around me.

Project start:

November 29th 2016

Target Time of day taken: 12:30 PM (on lunch break with Vitamins and food)

Notes: Day missed December 17th and 18th (slept all day and all night that night)

Noticed less joint pain after about a week of starting the material. My sleep paterns and stomach issued have  also improved.