Grafex®Super [C-60] Dosing Evaluation Summary
As this new form of carbon fullerene molecule branded as a Grafex®Super [C-60] Fullerene, is just now being introduced to the research marketplace, it is useful to know that its foundational understanding is not based, primarily upon one French publication.
A whole science of technological understanding has been developed solely by the material manufacturer. Accordingly, this material has undergone over 600 characterization and evaluation tests by 15 university and 5 federally licensed research labs. Many of those tests involved extensive research on the toxicity and biocompatibility of the Grafex®Super [C-60] Fullerene (see research pg.). It also has undergone two separate independent mice testing’s over a five-year period. (research/mice page).
Grafex®Super [C-60] has also demonstrated anti-oxidant-like properties that are far superior to that of the Regular C60 according to researchers that have studied both. Dr. Gabriel Gojon, Sr., Ph.D., Co-Founder, and Chief Technical Officer and Director at Sulfagenix Inc., described Grafex®Super [C-60] as having “an order of magnitude (10 times) greater anti-oxidant effect, compared with Regular C60.”
Grafex® Super [C60], as a multi-shelled (onion-like) fullerene molecule, in fact, has an immensely greater number of reactive sites on the outer shell and thus staying power to interact with aggressively damaging free radicals than is possible for the single shell Regular C60.
As Grafex®Super [C-60’s] outermost shell begins to exhaust its capacity to absorb/interact or is destabilized by the body’s biochemistry, it becomes unstable and breaks apart revealing a fresh layer available to interact with. The second, and succeeding layers continue to interact with free radicals and its environment.

This process continues with each new shell and is thought to proceed until the inner C60 nuclear core is released. The inner C60 core then works just like Regular C60. Grafex®Super [C-60’s] unique structure results in significantly higher capacity to suppress free radical activity with the exposure of each succeeding shell of the multi-shelled fullerene “onion” structure.
The overwhelmingly positive results of the testing conducted above, led to over 200 people over the years, conducting a regimen of self-experimentation. This self-experimentation has also led to, what one could state, as being unbelievably positive results. (link to Review pg.)
A testing regimen utilizing the original French study protocol for the Regular C60 carbon was pursued. A variety of lipids (oils) were laboratory tested for ingestion purposes. Various lipids in powder form mixed with the Grafex® Super[C-60] and placed in capsules were likewise tested.
As a result of self-experimentation and the anecdotal reports by others taking Grafex®Super [C-60], a dosage determination was evaluated utilizing a mixture of Grafex® Super [C-60] with both coconut oil powder in capsules, as well as coconut, olive, avocado, and mct oil, in liquid forms. However, over the last couple of years, the capsule form in a lipid powder, has proven to be much more acceptable because of its convenience as well as the consistence in the amount of milligrams consumed.
The information gathered, as to strength and dosage, are as follows: Dosages of 2mg/ml to well over 4+mg/ml taken and from >1 teaspoon to up to 2+ tablespoons once or twice a day is well tolerated and safe. Daily dosages in capsules ranging from 2.5 mg to over 60+mg/day (averaging 15mg-30mg) and (30mg – 60mg in cancer patients) produce a vast array of biological benefits and does not appear to produce adverse effects even with long term usage. (This is corroborated by a recently published article authored by Dr. Desantis, Dr. Kerna, and Dr. Bourassa.)

Several of the initial self-experimenters have consumed over 50 grams (actually 54,600mg) each over the past 7-8 years without apparent adverse effects, which are supported by medical lab and blood work evaluations.
Many of the self-experimenters using Grafex®Super [C-60] mixed in an oil reported taking 1-2 teaspoons or tablespoons per day of 2mg/ml of Grafex®Super [C-60] in olive, coconut, or avocado oil or mixtures thereof, for controlling texture or fluidity of the Grafex®Super [C-60] oil stock. One US teaspoon equals 4.929 ml or 5 ml. One US tablespoon equals 14.787 or 15ml. Most self-experimenters have sent in (reviews) involving dosages of 5mg-30mg daily.
Although biological effects are frequently dose and frequency dependent, reports indicate relief from inflammation as in regards to rheumatoid or osteoarthritis even on the low side of the dosage scale, around or below 2.5-5mg/per day and bi-daily dosing. The upper limit increasing benefit may not be much higher than 60mg per day and as low as 2.5mg, based on prior experience.
Although many researchers originally thought that hydrophobic C60 needed to be mixed with edible oil to be absorbed, later research confirmed that most nanomaterials rapidly undergo a biocoronation with proteins and other biological molecules after oral ingestion.

Additionally, cells of the bodies innate defense system, such as macrophages, engulf any foreign material they encounter entering the body or bloodstream and begins lysosomal metabolism. Since pristine fullerenes do not appear to harm normal macrophages; this likely also contributes to or aids distribution in the body.
Several self-experimenters conducted testing with the Grafex®Super [C-60] material mixed in various supplement powders placed in capsules. These powders included select coconut oil powder and powdered MSM, producing reports of excellent results from this delivery method.
Some people have been using 50-60mg+ almost daily for a number of years. They have not experienced any adverse reactions or health issues related to this level of consumption. These high dosing individuals are actually reporting excellent results which have been corroborated by medical laboratory test results and physical exams. This could attests to the excellent quality and purity as well as the safety and biocompatibility of Grafex®Super [C-60] (see reviews page).