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I am a 59 year old woman with a history of 2 back surgeries and a chronic neck problem called “Cervical Dystonia.” I also have degenerative disc disease and hypothyroidism resulting in very low energy for 30 years and sleep apnea requiring a CPAP

<I am a 59 year old woman with a history of 2 back surgeries and a chronic neck problem called “Cervical Dystonia.” I also have degenerative disc disease and hypothyroidism resulting in very low energy for 30 years and sleep apnea requiring a CPAP.

The end of July 2020, I experienced a severe episode of back pain secondary to moving boxes and picking up something too heavy combined with standing on my feet the next day for approximately 12 hours. This injury was super-imposed on an already existing chronic back problem. I was in a huge amount of pain. I sought chiropractic care in addition to massage therapy. My massage therapist, Lisa convinced me to try Grafex. I am a nurse and I am extremely skeptical regarding the use of any therapy or pill that is removed from “mainstream” medicine. I agreed to try the Grafex and I cannot overestimate the positive effect it has had, not only on my acute back problem but, also for my energy level.

By the third day of consuming the Grafex twice daily, my back pain was markedly improved. Even more importantly, I began to notice that, for the first time in 30 years, I woke up naturally. without the use of alarm clocks and able to get out of bed willingly! My mental alertness and acuity have improved and returned to what I feel is baseline prior to my being diagnosed with hypothyroidism 30 years ago! This product has been nothing short of life changing! I cannot thank the proprietor of this product enough!  I am absolutely thrilled with the results.

I would like to also add that after my success, I insisted that my 84 year old Mother try this product as she has both osteo and rheumatoid arthritis which has been extremely debilitating! By the second day of beginning the twice daily dosing regimen of Grafex, she too was remarkably improved. We were both truly amazed with the results. She has such severe joint swelling that her MD had initiated a once monthly IV infusion to try and get her symptoms under control. The infusion had the potential of compromising her immune system which, neither of us was comfortable with, especially in light of the current Covid-19 pandemic. I am happy to report she has discontinued her monthly infusion and now only takes the Grafex! I would also like to add that neither of us has experienced any negative side effects. This is exceptional for my Mom as she has a history of having many drug allergies and untoward reactions to many things. She did not experience any untoward side effects taking the Grafex, nor have I.

I hope to eventually be able to discontinue the use of my CPAP. I am not overweight but, apparently stop breathing frequently throughout the night. I have not yet discontinued my CPAP use but, have decreased the amount of time every night that I wear it. Part of this reason is again, attributed to the fact that I am not requiring as much sleep and can get out of bed very early in the morning now.
Again, thanks so much for developing this product! I don’t ever intend to be without it again!