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Eighty-four old woman with both Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis, mental fog, intense back pain, severe headaches, low energy and sensitive leaky bladder.


I am an 84-year-old woman afflicted with both osteo AND rheumatoid arthritis.  My disorder had evolved to such severity that in desperation I agreed to try narcotic pain relivers that left me lethargic.  I was also receiving monthly infusion treatments that produced little relief of pain and stiffness.

When offered a trial of Grafex I eagerly accepted and was astounded when on day two my hand and ankle deformities were greatly reduced in size.  I also realized the soreness and pain were at a much lower level.

Two weeks later I’m able to wear rings I’ve been unable to fit on my fingers for nearly ten years.  The constant burning joint pain is at a very low level and mobility is vastly improved.  At age 84 plus the improvement in mental clarity and energy seems near miraculous.  The only small negative could be a minor disturbance of sleep patterns which has occurred only a few times.

Sincerely, JoAnn 

Further comments on results of Grafex


Mon, Oct 27, 9:18 PM)

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

I wish to mention other benefits of Grafex in my life.  I have seen a growth spurt in my hair and problem nails.  I’ve noticed a welcome absence of the intense back pain I’ve had since 1969, also have experienced zero of the severe headaches that have tormented me since childhood.  One other benefit is the bane of many women who have borne several children; the sensitive and leaky bladder.  I find this problem improved by at least 98%.

Another Grafex gift that is quite special to me:  I’ve had beautiful handwriting my entire adult life and was crushed when a stroke, doubtless induced by the stress of brutal breast cancer treatment was taken from me.  Since starting Grafex my penmanship is steadily improving.  This gives me real joy!   Thank you Grafex for the rejuvenation of my 84 year-old memory and the new and welcome energy that helps me accomplish far more than in many years.