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Don: Overwieght, hypoglycemic, arthritis in knees & ankles, gout, inflamation, tennis elbow, lethargic and low energy, highly irritable, borderline sleep apnea, high blood pressure, mental clarity, moody. Includes 2 additional updates.



Here is some of the information you asked about.  I may not

have the dates or terminology correct, but you can fill in the blanks. I requested the material because of the information that we had talked about. For example, when I started the high octane, you wrote that down in your book.  It might have been in mid to late April?

I started on the product on 31 December or 1 January of this year.  The first is the extra and sustained energy that I was lacking, the potential for extended life, and of course, perhaps avoiding any more cancer. I started as a 71 year old male and weighed 296.8 pounds.  I craved a lot of sugar such as cherry cola and chocolate.  I ate ice cream by the tons.  I have always been diagnosed by the medical industry as borderline hypo-glycemic.

I usually took a prescribed pain medication for my knees, ankles, arthritis and other symptoms/pains, real or not.  The ankles would swell up for no apparent reason, but then I had problems walking. I forgot what the medicine is called but it was stronger than OTC drugs.  I usually took it 3 to 4 times a week.  I suffer from gout and resultant inflammations in my feet and big toes.  I have tennis elbow on both arms or maybe it is little leaguers elbow?  I have what is termed “trigger finger” on 3 knuckles of each hand.  My back gets sore and aches for a long time for doing minor things such as leaning over the sink doing the dishes.  The x-rays of my knees show a moderate range of arthritis.  I had my meniscus removed in both knees in 2009.

I was lethargic, had no energy, and did not give a rats ass if I did anything on a given day or not.  I lacked previous levels of concentration and focus.  I was extremely moody, jumpy, angry and have a startle response to sudden noises or sudden silence. I had a steady case of irritability. I would forget the names of people I was talking to, or forget someone who I mentioned in the previous sentence. I would remain tired even after sleeping for several hours. After a sleep test many years ago, the doctor reported I had borderline sleep apnea.

I was considered in the obese class by the doctors and have a dangerous level of body fat.  My blood pressure was controlled by medication, but it was still all over the map and could get dangerously high.  I would get nervous and start sweating for no apparent reason.  My cholesterol has always been good as the numbers range from 112 to 175.  Now, my Dr. tells me that is way low.

I had my left hip replaced in 2012 and lost my prostate due to cancer in 2009.

When I started taking what I thought was called Carbon something or another, I started feeling my energy level slowly go up after about two or three weeks.  I had mixed a batch with 32 ounces (oil) and took two tablespoons a day.  In about 5 weeks, I noticed my nightly attacks of “trigger-finger” were becoming less intense, and subsequently I have not had an attack all this year, or about 9 months of taking the mixture.

My focus was becoming sharper and I was able to stay on task or stay with a conversation for longer periods of time.  Well, at least I was not a babbling idiot as my focus and my ability to form proper sentences and express ideas steadily grew.

In April, you switched me to what we termed “high-octane”.  The improvements listed above continued.  However, my mental acuity seemed to return to levels I have not seen since my college days.  My reading comprehension and concentration have increased substantially as I can now read at a faster pace and for a couple of hours or more.  Reading technical data still requires a second or third reading for me to be comfortable about the amount I learn, comprehend and maintain.  I can still get bored, however.

I do not get moody or angry for weeks at a time.  In fact, I think I remain happy or unaffected by issues that would previously get me in a tizzy.  My physical energy level has risen to a point where I can schedule more than one main project a day having the confidence I will complete the tasks before I peter out.  (I still can’t lift a lot of weights or walk marathons). My major losses of energy are when I have to lift, push or pull a lot of weight, i.e. lifting my dog, moving tree trunks etc.  I get a burst of energy for the event, but then am down on my knees gasping for breath. I still have problems with the heat and humidity, but I can now push myself a lot longer that I could in those weather conditions.

I think one of the greatest results from taking the mixture twice a day (now two teaspoons a day) is my adrenalin management.  I stay cool, calm and collected at issues that used to make me very angry and want to plan retribution.  Now, I just let things roll off my back like water on the waxed hood of a car. I can’t explain it, but basically, things just do not get me in the mood to fight any more.  When my adrenalin kicks in, I am able to stay level headed instead of uncontrolled excitement or anxiety.  To me, that is extremely important and beneficial. My blood pressure has been steady all year and I have not experienced the highs and lows prior to ingesting the black magic goo.  My pulse rate has stayed about 62 to 64, instead of higher and irregular ups and downs.  Some of that may be due to loss of weight, too.  I don’t have my list of blood pressure readings, but I sent them to Dr. D.

I no longer ingest sugar and I am able to avoid the sweets most of the time.  I no longer crave it.  At present, the only pain medicine I take is an OTC such as Aleve or Ibuprofen.  I take the baby aspirin each night as requested by my cardiologist.

When I wake up most mornings, I am ready to rock.  I may not be interested in any project on the radar, but I am willing to tackle each day instead of dreading each day and being lethargic or still tired.  That is an improvement for me. Before taking the product, I could work a day or maybe half-a-day, but my recovery time would be two or three days before I could start physical work again.  Now, I can do things on back-to-back-to back days.  Maybe I’ll get a sore back or sore arm, but it is not enough to stop me from working the next day.

I had my Dr. draw blood on 1 April, then again in August.  My readings improved in all areas of concern.

This is about all I can think of.  I am still shooting for a longer life like the mice, but that is not in my hands.

Please let me know if you need any more information.

Peace always. Don

Semper Fi!


I forgot to add one thing to the report I sent you. Knees.  As you know, I have moderate arthritis in my knees.  The x-ray shows the bone looking like a serrated knife.  All bumpy and not smooth.  However, I have not felt the need to get my knees shot up with cortisone or anything else in the last five months.  Naturally, they get sore and tired after a day or a workout, but the pain is no longer being detrimental.  I think that is an important element regarding the use of your product.

I guess it took about 3 months of daily consumption for the knees to receive the benefit of same.

I hope this is helpful.

Peace always,



D:  I have been on the (Carbon) supplements for 5 consecutive days.  As I previously mentioned, my energy level has increased noticeably each day.  Today, the energy level must have been squared.  I was able to work outside for 9 hours, even in the blazing sun.  Normally, I’d go 3, 4 or 5 hours max, then go inside and cool down.  After cleaning up, I’d try to rest and recharge the batteries for the next day.  Today, I hit those plateaus and my mind did not fade out or get bored.  It told me to not worry about the extra efforts and to keep on working until all the chores were done.  That was good for me as I can now start new projects tomorrow.  

I know I won’t be able to sustain that same level each day, but I now know I can plug along a lot longer than before.  :):):)  In fact we have  a few more days in a row that our schedules have us going full speed.