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Lieshmaniasis Disease
This visual/audio presentation is about a Costa Rican farmhand, that had contacted this neglected Tropical Disease and was treated with the Grafex® Super [C-60] fullerene materialover a 4 month period. There have been reports of people committing suicide because of the severe pain and itching caused by this disease.
Lieshmaniasis Disease is spread by the bite of certain types of Sandflies.
It is estimated that 4 to 12 million people are currently infected[5]with Leishmaniasis in some 98 countries.[3]About 2 million new cases[3] and between 20 and 50 thousand deaths occur each year.[2][10]About 200 million people in Asia, Africa, South and Central America, and southern Europe live in areas where the disease is common.[3][11] It is classified as aneglected tropical disease.[12]
Farm Hand in Costa Rica with a
Tropical Leishmaniasis Type Parasite Infection
Unresponsive to Antibiotics after more than three weeks of Treatments
The above photograph shows the arm of a farmhand after he had been stung by a Sandfly, that was carrying the tropical parasite. This created incredible itching and tremendous pain with significant blistering and swelling.
After being taken to the nearest Hospital in Costa Rica the Dr. diagnosed the infection as being, Leishmaniasis and treated the farmhand with antibiotics. There was no positive response after several weeks of treatment.
Item # 1 : Photo 29 May 2018
Item # 2 – Photo: (Two days later) 31 May 2018
Leishmaniasis Disease Treated with “Grafex™ Super (C-60) Fullerenes”
Twice a day application shows substantial healing with blistering and inflammation significantly reduced
Leishmaniasis Disease Treated (Topically) with “Grafex™ Super (C-60) Fullerenes”
Looking for possible alternative means to help his employee , the farm owner, Lic Attorney Juan Abdelnour, who, through a friend of his, learned of this new experimental material that had previously had been successfully tested on a number of different bee stings and othertopical skin problems.
This product is called “Grafex Super (C-60) Fullerene molecule.
Leishmaniasis Disease Treated with “Grafex™ Super (C-60) Fullerenes”
Item# 3 Photo: The 4th day
The continued twice a day topical application shows virtual healing and scabbing.
“This is a “Prodesso” incredible product that which the farm hand says is turning black that is it is dryingup that which were water blisters he started using the product the 29th, 30th and today is the 1st of June; today is the 4th day he is applying it, therefore in 4 days already it has dried with the center scabbing hole closed”
Leishmaniasis Disease Treated with “Grafex™ Super (C-60) fullerenes”
Item # 4 – Photo :(Five days later) 03 June 2018
Photo shows scabbing quite pronounced
Leishmaniasis Disease Treated with “Grafex™ Super (C-60) Fullerene”
Video- 04 June 2018 projects.
Farm hand removing scabbing with new skin grown clearlyvisible and inflammation well reduced and overall curing of the wound. The continued twice a day application shows virtual healing and scabbing.
Translated Comments from farm hand: —”Ok as you can observe all that you can see black the product and the dead material is starting to lift from the hand and the skin is being restored and is totally without inflammation. stopping itching, in a this very short time and it seems to me, thisblack scabbing and the other dead bacteria or bug material in one or two days. it will start to separate and it is healing real well”
Leishmaniasis Disease Treated with “Grafex™ Super (C-60) Fullerenes”
Item # 6 Video : (Six-6 days later) 04 June 2018
“Here we see the further evolution of the sandfly bite what you see the burn at the rear it has nothing to do with the sandfly bite as you can see the skin has been restored.
All this (Scabbing) has been falling away. this will detach very soon. This fullerene product has been working real well becauseit has been developing the scabbing. this product is excellent, it is removing all the scabbing as it is lifting the skin beneath is being restored. It removed the swelling. it no longer itchy. I believe it is the best product that I have applied.
“(Tried applying many other products prior)”
Leishmaniasis Disease Treated with “Grafex™ Super(C-60) Fullerenes”
Audios of Lic Attorney Juan Abdelnour,Farm Owner, and his exuberance and gratefulness comments:
Ref: To his Farm Hand comments
“The Farm hand says which is drying and going black, that shortly will fall off. He is extremely grateful with you for helping him. Yes Nick, I also want to take of this product because, I am sure, like I told you the other day, my little knowledge, I am sure this works on the liver and the liver is responsible of all that is bad. I want to get this product, I want to take this product. Nick you should use this product, don’t wait. Today or tomorrow, you have this or that. I hope not, but then you may regret you did not take it”.
“Now I will tell him (Farm Hand) I will let him rest on it Saturday and Sunday then I will ask him to send another photo to see how all is evolving but he is extremely grateful, happy happy. Already it is no longer itching. it is drying up, the growth has stopped. it is no longer enlarging in size, it is a wonder (drug)”
Leishmaniasis Disease Treated with “Grafex™ Super (C-60) Fullerenes”
Item # 7 - Photo : (Fifteen days) after first treatment
“The open sore you see is a burn that I got from treating my original sore with raw garlic. The (product) is also restoring the raw place. It is really help me. it has nothing to do with the original sore. it is a sore apart. It is also being restored. The other area is the original problem sore. “
Leishmaniasis Disease Treated with “Grafex™ Super (C-60)Fullerenes”
Status 24 June 2018 (25 days later)
Leishmaniasis Disease Treated with “Grafex™ Super (C-60)Fullerenes”
Status as of July 6th (37days later) 2018
Leishmaniasis Disease Treated with “Grafex™ Super (C-60)Fullerenes”
Status as of Wed, September 5th 2018 at 5:07 pm. (Four Months later)