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Claudia: Diabetes, Pain in knees & Joints, Low energy, Low mental acuity




 Translated from Spanish    


  I just wanted to add a note about a test I did with the pill Grafex product.

For a week I did not take my pills to self check how my body and mind would be without the product.  It was a mistake, my brain weakened, disturbances, anxiety, depression arrived. My body physically, also suffered consequences, my stomach was very sensitive at the time from eating I also lost my appetite, my joints were hurting me, I was always tired.

– My joints don’t hurt so much.
– My appetite returned.
– Something very important is that beforeI believed that the product affected my nervous system, but it is quite the opposite. I think it blocks the bad thoughts and nervous habits that I mentioned earlier (depression, anxiety etc).
Now I am lively and always alert.

My brain is more alert.

I restarted the product and after two weeks I was a lot better.

Sra Claudia Feb 1, 2020

Personal Experience: Sra Claudia (Karla’s mom with Sugar Diabetes and significant knee and feet swelling)

Google Translation

She couldn’t stand on her feet for a long time .. She had pain in her knees and bones .. 

Now taking the product. In just 3 days she noticed the difference, she feels much better .. She can stand up … She has energy in her body and mentally she is now  very active


“Ella no podía estar de pies mucho tiempo.. Tenía dolor en sus rodillas y huesos.. Ahora tomando el producto en tan solo 3 días notó la diferencia, se siente mucho mejor.. Puede estar de pie… Tiene energía en su cuerpo  y mentalmente está muy active”