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Advantages of Grafex®Super [C-60] fullerenes:
Rat weight vs human weight. What Self-Experimenters are saying.

Along with the extraordinary diligence and thoroughness in testing for Grafex® Super [C-60] fullerenes, it is observed that the Baati dose on the actual individual rats(rat weight vs human weight) was HED of 23 mg, which is within the daily or weekly dosing(15mg-30mg) used by most of the Grafex®Super [C-60] self-experimenters, reporting health benefits in the (personal review) section .
Daily dosing by a few self-experimenters has exceeded 60mg of Grafex®Super [C-60] a day, for a duration of up to 5 years, without producing an observed adverse effect with confirmation through annual medical examinations and detailed lab work.
What has been even more revealing was the fact that, not one of the approximately 100 self-experimenters, (all being midlevel age or older) that, from the time they began taking the Grafex® Super[C-60] (some as long as 9 years) until today, have been diagnosed with any form of cancer. However, as indicated in the testimonials, a number of self-experimenters began taking the material “only after” their having been diagnosed with cancer.
What proved to be an even more interesting was the fact that none of the mice in either of the two test, ever contacted or died from cancer, even though the published literature on mice and rats, indicated that 90% of them would normally die from that disease.
No fetal defects over several generations and multiple litters, were observed in mice consuming a diet of up to 2% Grafex®Super [C-60] mixed in their food.
Mice consuming the highest diet of 2% Grafex®Super [C-60] also demonstrated the longest survival time (up to 5 times) and greatest vibrant activity level when compared to the same control mice that were not fed Grafex®Super [C-60]. (Link to Mice testing)
Reference: https://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/Guidances/UCM078932.pdf%23search=%27guidekines+for+industry+sfe+starting%27