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03-02-22 J. Abrams regret not getting on a supplement regimen much sooner.

I have been aware of and worked with the company that produces this material for some time.  It is only within the last year and a half, however, that I began taking the material myself.  I am fortunate in that, although I’m definitely in the senior citizen category, I have no major health concerns. I could not see the benefit. 

 After reading the other people’s experiences, I decided to give it a try just to see what would happen. Since taking the material on a regular basis, I have discovered that I was wrong about the material offering no benefits to an otherwise healthy individual and regret not getting on a supplement regimen much sooner.

For me, the effects took a while to become noticeable.  They were, in fact, so subtle at first that I began to question whether the material was having any effect.  After about two weeks, I began to notice that my energy level was up considerably and my peace of mind had significantly increased.  These benefits continued so long as I kept up with my supplement regimen.

  At one point I ran out and noticed the difference within a couple of days.  My energy level dropped and I no longer had my previously high levels of energy and ambition.  The good news is that I regained my improvements almost immediately once I had replaced my supply.

I should also mention that I have had both COVID shots and a booster and have experienced no side effects other than a slightly sore arm.  I have also been exposed to COVID on several occasions (once on a cruise ship) and have never been infected.  My personal opinion is that taking the material contributed positively to both situations.

Obviously, I can only speak to my own situation but I’m a believer.  I will continue to take this supplement on a daily basis for as long as it is available to me.